The Rundown - Week 10


Hey Running Friends!!We made it!  The final week is upon us.  The excitement is starting to build.  It's going to be race day before I know it.  This has been a wild 10 weeks of training and even though it may not have been the best training that I have completed, I'm very excited to see what this race will bring.Let's see how my last week of training went.


My thumb is still pretty banged up and after working yesterday's juice event, I decided to give myself a rest day from running.  I took off from work to let my thumb heal and it's also my fiance's birthday.I was able to to get in some stretching and foam rolling.


Also, took another day off from work.  I have it in a wrap to help get the swelling down.  I got in a 2.27-mile run to see how the thumb felt during running.  I'm definitely concerned that it may get bumped in the tight area, light water stops, but no pain during the actual run.Stretching and hydrating


Finally making it back to work and it's a long one!  It felt nice to be back with my clients but my thumb wrap definitely made it weird to ride.Starting to up the hydration game so I'm ready for race day.


Another work day filled with fun classes.  My clients are the best.  They all were super concerned for me, which felt nice.No running but continue to hydrate and stretch.


Early and short day of classes before heading to the race expo.Race ExpoI love race expos!  This is when I know it's really happening.  The excitement of seeing the other runners, getting the bib, and checking out the vendors gets me super pumped!


Taught in the morning and really tried my best to not workout in order to have fresh legs for tomorrow.  It was tough in my spin class since my playlist was awesome and had all my current favorites.I have a lil race day routine of hydrating like crazy, picking out my race outfit, tons of stretching and foam rolling, and going over my race plan in my head.Broad Street Flat Runner


RACE DAY!!!Check out my best race day tips here!

Stay tuned to see how race day went!Thank you guys for following this 10-week training.Is this something that you want to see for my next race?  Are you interested in training plans?  Let me know!!See ya at the finish line!~Hallie


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