March Spin Favorites


What's up Fit Fam!March + April were some wild months. (by the lateness of this post).  This post is worth the wait, I PROMISE it will NOT disappoint!So many new + fun things happening over here between training for Broad Street to going on a much-needed vacation to picking up more classes + sessions to blizzards that canceled classes.  Keeping this girl busy but loving every minute of it.Some theme rides were a Zedd Ride, St. Patty's Day, and of course my Sunday Funday Rides.But having the best music for my classes will always be one of the main things I focus on.  And lately, my clients have been loving everything I have been playing.So let's see what was loving for March!

Light by San Holo obsessed with this song.  IDK why just something about it + the beat.I love this song for a hill with attacks.  So let's get started in the saddle or position 1 and bringing up that resistance to a 6 or 7 on my scale.  Drop those heels to activate those glutes + quads.  At 0:50, bring it out to position 3 and catching the beat.Get ready to pick it up at 1:17 - 1:43 and attack that hill.  Push all the way to the top.  At 1:43, bring it back to the saddle and recover.Next attack is coming up.  Bring it out to position 3 at 2:23 and start to build it up.  The attack starts at 2:46.  Take a deep breath in.  Get to the top of that hill.  Dig Deep.Push to 3:11 and stay in position 3 to the end of the song.  You just dominated that hill!

Magenta Riddim by Dj Snake song just makes me want to get up and dance.  The beat is fun and is super easy to follow.  This was from my Sunday Week 10 playlist on Spotify.Get ready jump around and dance on the bike.  Start in the saddle and find a moderate resistance, I use a 5 or 6 out of 10 my scale (3/4 being a flat road and 9/10 heavy hill).  You should be able to hold a conversation with a little bit of effort.  Find a comfortable pace that goes along with the beat.The first set of jumps is what I call 1-2.  You start in the saddle and stand up to position 2 (standing flat position) and hold for 2 counts before returning to saddle and repeat for 20 seconds.  Return to the saddle and recover before starting the second set.The second set of jumps is what I call 1-3 jumps.  You start in the saddle then lift out to position 3 (standing climb position).  This one really works the core.  You lift out to position 3 and really reach that booty to the back of the saddle with the core tight and a neutral spine.  You use the same counts as before, lifting out to position 3 for 2 counts before returning to the saddle and repeat.  Continue for 20 seconds before staying in the saddle to recover.  You can add more resistance at this point, bringing it up to a 6 or 7.The third set up of jumps is what I call 2-3 jumps.  You start in position 2, standing, then lift out to position 3 for 2 counts before returning to position 2.  Keep that core tight as you transition to the positions.  Continue for 20 seconds before returning to the saddle to recover.You can continue this pattern until the end of the song.You could also use this song as a climb with attacks/ surges or rolling hills with flat pushes.  Tons of options and it is a super high energy song that will get everyone motivated to crush it!

GUD VIBRATIONS by NGHTMRE and SLANDER ready to climb this hill!  Bring the resistance up to a 6 or 7 on my scale.  (Light to a moderate hill)  Start in the saddle for 30 seconds before lifting out to position 3.  Hold strong for 45 seconds before getting into your first surge up the hill.  Pick up that pace from 1:15 to 1:50 then drop back to saddle to recover.Then begin to build up again in the saddle for 30 seconds before lifting back out to 3.  Also, you have the option to add resistance to a 7 or 8 on my scale for that extra burn.  Find that beat and work that hill in position 3 before getting into your final surge up the hill.  Hold a fast pace in position 3  starting at 2:58 - 3:35.  Then drop back to saddle, turn down the resistance and recover for the remainder of the song.You will feel awesome after this climb.This could also be used as a heavy, steady climb in the saddle while adding on resistance until you hit your max before having to go out to position 3.Or reverse it from how I used it.  You could increase resistance during the times I listed and then use the rest as recover or pick up.Or as a flat with pushes or pickups.I love a song that could be used in different ways to keep the class interesting while recycling playlists.  This song was on my Sunday Week 10 playlist on Spotify.

Wasted - Yellow Claw Remix by Tiesto, Matthew Koma bet you heard this song before but not this remix.  Actually, I found a lot of remixes of this song but this was the best one I found.  And if you have read my other posts, my of my favorite songs are Yellow Claw remixes.  This was from my St. Patty's class when I got back from vacation.I used this as my final hill.  (but could totally see this being used for a flat with pushes.)  Bring that resistance up to a 6 or 7 on my scale, moderate resistance.  Start off in the saddle (position 1) building that resistance and speed for 60 seconds.  When that beat drops, you are out in position 3 and running your way to the top of the hill, giving it everything you have left in your tank for 30 seconds.After that push, you stay in position 3 and recover, riding side to side before getting right back into the push to the top at 2:15 - 3:05.  I know it's a long push but you can handle anything that is thrown your way.This would also be a great class finisher with tons of sprints to that finish line!

Be Right There by Diplo, Sleepy Tom was a warm-up song from my Sunday Week 9 playlist on Spotify.When creating my playlists, I use the warm up to set the tone for the ride.  I look for a song that most people would know and is high energy.  I look for a song that is 4 to 5 minutes long to ensure a proper warm-up happens and to go through my little speech.  This little speech consists of safety such as the positions, my resistance scale, and what the form should look like.  I scan the room to see how everyone is set up, find out if there are any new riders, or anyone has an injury.  I add in 10-second pushes about halfway through the song before getting into stretching the upper body with neck + shoulder rolls before the real party begins!I always get to my classes 15-20 minutes early to get myself and the room set up so when the riders start arriving I can get them set up properly on the bike and chat with any regulars.  I'm lucky that I have a group of loyal riders that come to my classes.  I know for some it may be mundane, but this is how I start all my classes so having a killer warm-up song is key to having an amazing class.This song could be used for really anything else, jumps, climb, or even flat.

Feel the Volume by Jauz freaking love this song!  And really anything by Jauz, TBH.  You can find this on my Sunday Week 9 playlist on Spotify.Get ready for a Rolling Hill!!!!Let's get it started in the saddle while bringing up that resistance to a 6 or 7 on my scale.  Hold in the saddle for 30 seconds before lifting out to position 3.  But don't get too comfortable, you are going to pick up that pace right there in position 3 for 30 seconds.  Fight for it and hold strong before hitting the saddle to recover.Enjoy that 30-second recovery at a flat road, 3 or 4 on my scale.  You are going to add to that resistance back to a 6 or 7 and get right to it in position 3 with that push up the hill.  You got this!  Give me 30 seconds on this run up the hill before hitting that saddle to recover.I want you to increase the resistance, get to a 7 or 8 on my scale, and hold for 30 seconds in the saddle.  You are going to lift it back out to position 3 for your final push up the hill.  Dig Deep!  Give me 30 more seconds and I promise you will hit that flat road to recover.Crushed!Again, this song could be used for other class design such as a flat.

I Just Can't by REHAB, Quinto I write this post, yet another song is from my Sunday Week 9 playlist.  That class was straight fire!!You are starting in the saddle on a flat road at a 3 or 4 on my scale, recovering from back to back hills for about 30 seconds while you are grabbing a drink +toweling off.Let's get right back into the hill.  It is short, I promise!Get that resistance to my favorite 6 or 7 on my scale and get that booty out in position 3 for 30 seconds before getting a surge for 20-ish seconds (0:56-1:19).  Hit that saddle to recover for 30 seconds before taking it back out to position 3.  Get ready for your final surge of this song starting at 2:10 - 2:36 (the end of the song).Bring that resistance down to a 3 or 4 flat road to recover.  Get that drink of water before getting ready to go into the next song, which is a flat speed work with the following song, The Drop.

The Drop by Bro Safari you ready to RUN?Get on that flat road of 3 or 4.  You just crushed your last hill.  Time to let those legs fly!  You are getting into a pyramid sprint with 1:1 work to rest ratio.The first sprint is 15 seconds of work followed by 15 of recovery.  The second spring it 30 seconds of all-out effort followed by 30-second recovery.  The third sprint is 45 seconds of work followed by 45 seconds of recovery.  You got this!Grab a drink of water and towel off.  You are about to head into some jump with the following song, Automatic!

Automatic by ZHU, AlunaGeorge Sunday Week 9 playlist in order!You have been crushing this ride.  I'm feeling like dancing on the bike, how about you?You are starting out in position 3 at a 5 or 6 resistance on my scale, just going with the beat.We are about to get into what I call 2-3 jumps.  We will stand up to position 2 for 2 counts then lift out to position 3 for 2 counts before returning to position 2.  We continue the jumps for 30 seconds.  (You could make it 4 counts if you are feeling frisky ;) )Then, we stay in position 3 and work the hill, adding on some resistance to 6, 7, or 8 before getting back into the jumps.  You can bring the resistance down to 5 or 6 for the 2-3 jumps.   Repeat this pattern until the end of the song.Hit that saddle and recover before getting into your final hill with the following song Dessert.

Dessert by Darwin's keep Sunday Week 9 playlist going strong into another Rolling Hill.Let's get that resistance up to 6 or 7 and hanging in the saddle for 45 seconds before getting the speed up out in position 3 for 20 seconds.  You are going to murder that hill.  (inserting a song lyric and replacing dance floor with hill :) )Drop it back to the saddle for your active recovery for about 45 seconds before hitting that flat road at a 3 or 4 for another 20 seconds.  Before finishing the song out in position 3, around 2:50 - 3:30.

Like I Do by David Guetta, Martin Garrix, Brooks, the last hill of Sunday Week 9 playlist.Get that recover on before getting back in the game.  You have 45 seconds to take a deep breath, sigh it out, and get ready to give it everything you have left.  You are at 4, 5, or 6 recovering before bringing it out to position 3 for a run a hill at a light to moderate resistance, a little change-up from the last few songs.  You can pick up the speed a little here and really get after it.  Give me 30 seconds of work before hitting the saddle at a 3 or 4 resistance for your active recovery for about 45 seconds.I want you to increase that resistance to a 6, 7, or 8 and meet me in 3, catching that beat for 30 seconds.  Alright, time to pick it up for 30 seconds here in position 3.  You with me? Let's GO!!!  Really push up the hill.  Hold strong.  Fight your way to the top.  Give me everything you have left.AWESOME!!!  Head to the saddle and drop that resistance to a flat road.  Nailed it!

The Underground by Harwell, Timmy Trumpet MADE it!!  The final song of Sunday Week 9 playlist!  Are you sick of it yet?  I bet not, these were all FIRE!Alright, this is IT!  The whole class was a warm-up for this final song.  Are you READY?!?You have 2 60 second sprints to get to that finish line.  All out effort!  First one is up!Killed the first sprint with no problem because you are a badass!  Now you have 30 seconds to get it together before your final sprint.  I believe in you and you will finish feeling stronger than how we started.  Big breath in, let it go.  Get ready, final sprint starts NOW!  Show me what you got!You.  Are.  Home!!!Drop that resistance and keep those legs rolling.  You should feel pretty dang proud of yourself for this ride.  It was NO joke!!

C'Mon by Tiesto, Diplo, let's get it started with this warm-up song from Sunday Week 8 playlist!  This could also be used as a climb or flat.  But, you know I love a good high energy song to set the mood for the ride.You get hyped up for the ride as the song plays.  You are warming up the legs at the flat road of 3 or 4 with an easy comfortable pace, getting those pushes in, getting the upper body loose.  You are ready to go!You can't help but get hyped when the song keeps saying "C'mon!"

Work It by Jack Beats you ready to get on the hill?Let's bring the resistance up to a 6 or 7 on my scale.  You have a little over 5 minutes of hill work in front of you.  You are warmed up and ready to get into it.You drop those heels down and ready to work it.  Hold in the saddle for 30 seconds before lifting out to position 3 for 30 seconds.Drop back to the saddle and increase that resistance to a 7 or 8 on my scale, holding it for 45 seconds.Bring it back out to 3 for driving those knees up for another 45 seconds.  You are feeling great and riding to the beat.Hit that saddle again and lower that resistance back to a 6 or 7 for 60 seconds before lifting back out to position 3 to the end of the song.Awesome work.  Now you can lower that resistance and recover.

Express Yourself - Gents and Jawns Remix by Diplo, Jawns, and Nicky Da B think the original version made one of my previous song posts  but this remix.  OMG!  It's a whole different spin on it.  No pun intended.Final song with two sprints.  The first sprint is 30 seconds starting at 0:50 for all-out effort followed by a 30-second recovery before getting into that final 60-second sprint home to the end of the song.  Close those eyes and get after it!

In My Room (feat. Ty Dolla $ign & Tyga) by Yellow Claw, Mustard, Ty Dolla $ign, Tyga to this song!  This is the perfect song for some Tabata repeats.  This also would make for a killer jump with pushes.Start off in the saddle at the flat road at a 3, 4, or maybe a 5 resistance on my scale.  Get ready to kick into another gear.  You are running in the saddle for 20 seconds for all-out effort with a 10-second recovery.  Stay focus + keep those legs running.The first set starts at 0:55.  Run. It. Out!You can add resistance after every 2 -3 sets for a little extra challenge.  Continue to the end of the song before getting into a well-deserved recovery.

Clarity Brillz Remix by Zedd, Foxes have always loved this song but this REMIX!Get ready for a Rolling Hill.  You know where we are starting.  Bring that resistance to a 6 or 7 on my scale and hang in the saddle for 30 seconds before lifting out to position 3.  Hold that position 3 for 30 seconds before dropping to back to the saddle.You are hitting that flat road + running it all out for 30 seconds.Recover for a moment before adding on to a 7 or 8 resistance for 60 seconds in the saddle.  Feel the push-pull in the legs and fight your way through.  Bring it out to position 3 for 60 seconds, catching that beat before dropping it back to that flat road.  You know what to do.Hit the flat road and grind it for a 30-second push.  Recover for a moment.  Then add-on to an 8 or 9 resistance on my scale.  It's going time!  Hold position 1 for 30 seconds before lifting out to position 3.You finish the song off strong with a final 30-second push on the flat road of 3 or 4.You just crushed an incredible 6-minute hill!

Plus Fit Radio has been killing it with their new mixes from Trap to Hip Hip to High Energy. I haven't found a playlist that I didn't love.I know this post is WAYYY overdue, but definitely worth the wait. I know you're going to love all these songs. Add them to your playlist for your next workout or run!This post I went a little more into detail on how I design my classes. I always make the playlist first then the actual workout comes later. This might not work for everyone, but it's how I like to plan.Do you like more detailed posts like this or do you just want songs? Leave me a comment on which you like better!Stay tuned for what I played in April, it's been fire!Until next time friends,~Hallie


The Rundown - Week 10


How to Rock Your Race Weekend