Fitness Friday | Fit Radio


Hey Fitness Friends!

This time of year has us all super busy filled with friends, family, and good eating.  I've still been able to fit in my workouts on top of teaching some killer sweat sessions.  And one thing that has allowed me to continue to deliver these classes is all thanks to the help of the Fit Radio App.

If you read my last post on November Spin Theme Rides, you know I quickly mentioned this other music app that I recently discovered called Fit Radio.  This app has been awesome and I have been finding new playlists each time I use it.  And you guys know, I'm all about the music when it comes to my classes.

So first let me give you then rundown...

One of the trainers I work with told me about Fit Radio.  It has endless playlists created by actual DJs that covers a range of genres, tempos/ BPMs, and activities/workouts.  Some genre options are Top 40, Rock, High Energy (one of my faves), and has featured playlists such as Fitness Favorites and Holiday Classics.  Or you can select the activity such as Lifting or Yoga and Fit Radio will select the playlist that will work out perfectly.

Fit Radio - Music

Fit Radio - Music

There is a coaching feature that you can select the type of workout and have a live coach pushing you through calorie burning sessions.  They include a bio on each coach to give you an idea of what to expect.  The workouts include Cycling, HIIT, and Treadmill with a few options for workout intensities per activity.

Fit Radio - Coaching

Fit Radio - Coaching

Another awesome feature it has is the capability to use a timer for intervals with any range of work and rest.  I use this quite often in my Butts + Guts and Strong classes.  Set the timer for 20 seconds of work and 10 of rest and bring on the burn!

I'm excited to really explore the run pacing feature once the weather isn't 20 degrees out!! All you have to do is start running and it finds songs that match your pace or if you have a pace goal in mind, you can select the pace  This definitely will come in handy once I begin race training again.

Fit Radio - Running

Fit Radio - Running

I tried out the free month trial and loved it so much that I HAD to get the year subscription for $35.  I felt it had so much value and was able to give another option for music selection for my classes.

Fit Radio allows me to save time when planning out classes.  Everything I need is right there with a scroll and a tap.  I can save playlists that I know my clients will love from the thousands of playlists already created and tons of new ones are added everyday so I will never get bored.  It allows me to discover new artists and songs to keep my music fresh.  And each song transitions into the next without that awkward silence.   And the best part is there are no commercials that mess up your flow.

I feel like I have only just scratched the surface of what this app really can begin to offer.  Not only to amp up my classes but my personal workouts as well.  100 percent recommend you trying out this app for your own workouts, if your an instructor, or just for your listening pleasure.  Let me know if you try this app out, would love to hear your thoughts.

See ya on the pavement,


*This post is not sponsored in any way, I just really love this app and want to share my experience*


December Spin Songs


November Spin Theme Rides