The Rundown - Week 6


Hey Friends!I know I'm a couple of days late on this week's Rundown, however, last week was awesome and busy.  I still got some runs in but work schedule totally changed.  I started coaching TEAM sessions at the gym and took on some private clients.  But I'm determined to not let this new schedule hinder me from getting ready for Broad Street!Let's see what my runs looked like last week.




First full day of new schedule.  I realized the importance of meal prep!  I was totally starving when I left but I also blame the extra hunger from yesterday's run.Other than classes + sessions, today was a rest day.  I was able to get some stretching + foam rolling before bed.  Definitely needed!


When I was planning out my week on Sunday, I wrote in my planner my workouts and miles that I wanted to get.  I wanted to get in 4 - 6 miles.  But this cold weather in April like seriously needs to go.  I know I shouldn't make excuses but I just was not feeling like running in the cold and wasn't feeling the treadmill.The one good thing was that I was able to get some work done and make calls that I needed to do.  Another accidental rest day!


run selfie

run selfie

Wednesdays are my busiest days with 3 classes and now it's my longest training shift as well.  But those rest days totally paid off because I was feeling ready to run and get stuff done!Before my Lunch Spin, I was able to sneak in a 5.41 mile run at RACE pace.  I was totally stoked and felt incredible!  Until halfway through my class and I was totally feeling it.  Note to self, don't go all out in a run an hour before Spin.   The rest of day was exciting by leading a killer TEAM session and Butts + Guts class.I stretched before hitting the sack.


I started the morning off with a private Personal Training client and really felt like I nailed that session. The client was extremely happy and she did amazing during the workout.  We even booked the rest of the month!I felt extremely tired the rest of the afternoon for some reason.  So I listened to my body and let it rest before my night sessions.


Ben Franklin Bridge

Ben Franklin Bridge

We made it to FriYAY!I taught B+G and Spin with a fire playlist!  I didn't have any night sessions so I was able to get some work and house stuff done plus a 3 mile run.  I kept it nice and easy along my usual route.


foam roll

foam roll

Saturday, you may be the true favorite.  I don't know about you, but there's just something about a Saturday morning workout.  Maybe everyone gets a chance to sleep in or they let their hair down the night before and all the stress washed away.Back to back awesome Spin and Full Body classes before running to Whole Foods to get my grocery haul on and set myself up for a successful week.After all that, I did a little core routine, stretch, and foam roll.


ready for this cold and windy run

ready for this cold and windy run

Fit Radio

Fit Radio

I started the morning off with a killer Sunday Funday Spin Class.  I was so pumped after that class that I was determined to get a run in later that afternoon.  It was cold and saying it was windy is an understatement.  But I was determined to make it happen.My goal was to get 6 miles in.  No.  Matter.  What.While I was out on my run, I saw my friend out there killing it per usual and that gave me the boost I needed to get those miles in.I was feeling good after starting at a nice, easy pace and staying consistent.  Then when all your favorites come on Fit Radio, you pick up the pace and run an extra 2 miles!  I was on cloud 9!  Running 8.05 miles was my longest run since my injury and last year's Love Run.  And the best part, no hip pain, even days after.  I did ice it before bed just to be precautionary.After this run, I definitely feel more confident that I will be able to crush those 10 miles in just a few short weeks.

I can't believe it's been 6 weeks of training already!  Seriously, time flies!  It feels like just week was the start of this journey.I'm really looking forward to this week's runs especially since it is FINALLY going to feel like Spring in Philly.  Get ready for some serious miles next week!See ya on the pavement,~ Hallie 


The Rundown - Week 7


The Rundown - Week 5