6 Must-Read Books


When I was a kid, you could almost always find a book in my hand.  I loved reading until junior high when it “wasn’t what the cool kids were doing” and it went on the back burner.  Then in high school, there wasn’t enough time to read for leisure between track meets, band rehearsals, and homework.  In college, forget about it. I was lucky if I got 4 hours of sleep let alone find time for anything that wasn’t school work, working, or sorority life.Slowly in my adult life, I added reading back into my routine.  Mostly fiction at first, I love a good Sophie Kinsella book, Candance Bushnell or romance.But recently I have gotten into reading books that are more aligned with where my life is heading, in the wellness space.There are tons of suggestions out there in the blogosphere but where’s a girl to start?!?Luckily for me, my friend told me about the Free Library of Philadelphia and now I have endless options.  I forgot what it’s like to have an actual book in my hands after a few years of using my iPad mini for all my reading adventures.With these long, cold Winter nights, there's nothing better than snuggling up with a good book, a lit candle, and hot beverage.I highly recommend that you add these books to your list to grab next time you are at the Library or ready to head out for that vacation.

Eat With Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life that Lights You Up by Cassandra Bodzak

Cassandra was one of the speakers at The GOOD Fest that I attended last Spring. That whole experience was amazing and opened my eyes to how many wonderful things that I'm implementing into my daily life.Cassandra connects recipes and mediations to live your life to the fullest.  She shares her tips on eating with intention from a place of self-love without having to eliminate your favorites foods.

One Part Plants: A Simple Guide to Eating Real, One Meal at a Time by Jessica Murnane

I also discovered Jessica Murnane from The GOOD fest.  Jessica shares her story about her illness and how switching to a plant-based lifestyle helped her with the symptoms.  This book also includes recipes and explains simple + easy ways to transition more plants into your meals.

#GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso

I was excited to read this book after years of working in retail.  Sophia is the founder of "Nasty Gal".  She describes her story of when she had no direction, no money, and no job that leads to the start of her eBay business that eventually led to becoming over 200 million dollar business.  She shares some tips for those individuals looking to dive into their own entrepreneurship.

Add more -ing: A Hip Guide to Happiness by Gabby Bernstein

The more that I have dived into this wellness space, everyone says you must read Gabby Bernstein.  She has several books out and several on my waitlist.   However, this was the first one available at the Free Library and was not her first book.  For some reason, I wanted to read them in order but I found out that it wasn't necessary.  Gabby describes her story of living in New York City and adding happiness to your life.

Two Turns from Zero: Pushing to Higher Fitness Goals Converting Them to Life Strength by Stacy Griffith

I was super excited to read this book since becoming a spin instructor.  Stacey is a Senior Master Instructor at SoulCycle and describes her experience of quitting drugs and alcohol to find a life driven by fitness + motivating others.   Follow her steps as she describes and you will achieve your goals by living the best version of your life.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic is one the most motivating books that I have ever read and was another must-read book that I kept hearing about.  After talking to several people that have read the book agreed that once they got started, it was hard to put down.  It is filled with motivating quotes that will get you excited about cultivating your passions.

Now all you need to do is pick up one of these suggestions and get lost in a good book.What are some of your favorite books?See ya friends,~Hallie


My Sweat Life


The Rundown - Week 4