Amazon Favorites

Happy Saturday!

One of my favorite things to do on a weekend morning is to plan out my week with some matcha and then go shopping.  I love the feeling of being prepared for the week ahead + less stress for those busy days/nights.

Matcha in Myrtle

Matcha in Myrtle

Over the years, I have tried tons of products.  And I enjoy discovering new products that align with my mission of living the best + healthiest version of me.  I recently applied to become an Influencer / Affiliate for Amazon + set up a little shop filled with all of my favorite products to share with all of you.

*Disclaimer affiliate links are included and I do make a commission on any purchases at no additional cost to you* but I would love for you to even just check out what I have on my list.  You never know, you might find your new favorite!

The items range from my must-have snacks to daily supplements to my favorite reads to gadgets that make life easier.   The products are items that I have previously mentioned in posts and use daily.  (I wouldn't recommend anything that I personally don't or wouldn't use + would love to provide more info or reviews if you would like)

Check it out here!

I'm very excited to embark on this journey of being an affiliate and to share all future products.  Let me know if you try anything!

What are some of your favorite products that you can't live without?  Leave me a comment below!

Amazon Shop

Amazon Shop


January Spin Songs


2018 Goals