14 Tips to Have a Blast at the Tone It Up Tour


With the final stretch of the Tone It Up Tour happening this weekend, I wanted to share my tips on how to have the BEST DAY EVER!!

Here are some things to keep in mind before + during the Tour:

Be Present:

I tried to be present to fully experience the Tour.  I know it's good to take a few pics but don't spend the entire time behind your phone and waiting for every second.  You'll be able to find pics from others girls as well as the TIUHQ will be taking a bunch.  Plus, you'll be having so much fun that you won't even realize that you don't have your phone out.

Bring a Portable Charger:

If you are taking pictures, you'll want to ensure you have enough battery power.  Have one girl in your group bring a portable charger to share.  Or make friends with a girl that brought one ;)

Go With No Expectations:

I saw some posts saying how they felt it wasn't worth the money or they were disappointed.  I beg to differ.  I had the time of my life!  I knew things would be rushed and there would be long lines.  But, hey that is to be expected when there are hundreds of girls.  It's how you make of it.

If you're flying solo, that's ok.  Just walk up to anyone and they will definitely chat you up and join in.  The thing that brought me to TIU is about the community and being there to support one another.  You will walk out with hundreds of new friends!

Put Yourself Out There and Say Hi + Hug Everyone:

There are going to be so many girls that you have connected with or recognize from Instagram.  Go up to them and say hi!  I'm usually shy and don't speak up (I know you may think that I'm super outgoing).  But I really wanted to meet girls and the best way is to walk right up to them and be like hey "so-and-so Instagram handle, I'm so-and-so".

I made so many great connections and thankful for Tone It Up for bringing me my closest friends.  I met my squad at a local meet up 3 years ago.

Tour Stage Squad

Tour Stage Squad

Don't Be Afraid to Start the Dance Party:

This is the Ultimate Girl's Day and with DJ madds playing the jams, it was hard not to dance.  So my girls and I went right up to the DJ booth and shook what our mommas' gave us!

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Bring Food/Snack:

You're going to be having so much fun that you might forget to eat.  But a #TIUgirl knows to bring snacks.  There were food trucks that you could purchase food (bring card no cash) but we were having too much fun dancing.  We did stop for a bite afterwards.

And there was tons of Core water provided and definitely drink up before and during the workouts.

Bring Deodorant/Dry Shampoo/ Sunblock:

It was a super HOT and sunny and those workouts were not joke.  Def load up on the deodorant and bring extra for between workouts.  Same with the dry shampoo.  They will have Coola sunblock available but I saw too many girls leave with some burns.  Also in the VIP bag there was some Coola samples.

Be Prepared To Do A Lot of Booty Work:

Squats, lunges, and booty bands OH MY!  Since becoming an instructor, I don't workout my legs too often.  And boy did I feel it (for a few days) after the Tour.  In the VIP bag, there was a booty band provided and we dropped it low with K&K.

Then Jillian Michaels kicked all our asses!  When she says add in a jump tuck to burpees, you do it!

Doesn't Matter How Early You Get There:

I had all the girls meet at my house (I have a huge parking lot which is clutch in the city) so we could all drive over together.  The Tour started at 12 so we all met around 10/10:30 with the plan to get there by 11.

When we got there were tons of girls there already.  They didn't open the doors until a little after 12.  But by getting there early you were able to grab a prime spot in front of the stage.  What we did is had one of us set up out mats, while another got in line to shop the apparel, while another grabbed water.

There wasn't a bad seat in the house anyway.

Get Ready To Wait In Lines:

With the amount of girls there, be prepared to wait in lines.  Best advice is to split up your squad to cover the most ground.  (See above).  Also, we had one of us grab a spot in the Rosé Garden while one of grabbed the mats and cleaned up our area.

 But while waiting, it was an easy way to strike up conversations with other girls.

If Not Vip, That's Ok:

Getting GA isn't a bad thing.  You still get a bag with goodies - hat, booty band, sticker, towel.  You'll have time to enjoy the braid bar, massage, vendors, apparel while the other girls are in VIP and when it's not so crowded.

Don't Be Afraid To Be You When You Meet K&K:

Not sure what to do when you get in that line to meet K&K?  That's totally ok.  I went in as a group with my girls and were only allowed to have one phone for pictures while the TIUHQ took the picture.  Some girls cried, hugged, and thanked them.  We took a flexin' pic and they got a few pictures of us hugging them.  It went by fast, like literally 3 seconds.

They stamp you when you enter the Rosé Garden with different TIU sayings to organize the pictures to ensure it runs smoothly and stays on time.  Make sure your squad gets the same stamp if you want a group pic.  It is either one single or a group, so decide beforehand.

The HQ is around throughout the day as well, so plenty of opportunities to snag a selfie with them.

K&K Pic

K&K Pic

Don't Stress Over What To Wear:

Being the fashion lover that I am, I have way too many things to wear. (Said no one ever!)  But that still didn't stop me from stopping at Lululemon to get something new.  A lot of girls wore the new Avocado leggings, TIU apparel, and everyone looked super cute.  It is outside and was super hot.  I wore a cute Lulu bra, open-back criss cross tank, and capris.  (Wish they weren't black since it was so dang hot)  And of course my APLs!  But they definitely got a little dirty from doing plank jacks in the grass.  Along with my mat. - Sidebar: does anyone know how to clean either of those?  Nothing is working for me!)

Get Ready For The Best Day Ever!

It literally went by way too fast but had such an amazing time and would definitely do it again.  It's what you make of it.  Spend time with your girls.  Make new connections.  Dance like no one is watching.  Have some rosé or two.  Or three ;)



Hope you find these tips helpful and these totally can be applied to any another festival!

Do you have any tips?  I would love to hear!


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