Marathons + Matcha

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How to Beat the Heat and Crush Your Run

If you are on the East Coast like me, it is and will continue to be hot AF.  But that doesn't mean that your fitness goals have to be put on pause.  Today I wanted to share some of my tips to beat the heat and still crush your workout, indoors and out.

Drink Up, Buttercup

Hydration before and during your workout will be crucial. Plan to drink a few extra bottles (48-60 ounces) the night and even the day before your run to ensure that your hydrated. I always aim to get 16 ounces of water before I lace up and head out the door. It's also a good idea to add in some electrolytes such as Nuun, or Liquid IV to your routine. Don't forget about the pre-run carbs!

Liquid IV, Voss , One

Bring your running water belt, hydration pack, or carry a bottle with you. Maybe look for a running route that has water stops along the way. My best suggestion is to drink something every 20-30 minutes during the run. Try to drink early before any signs of dehydration sets in.

Plan It Out

Plan to get your run in early before the heat sets in. I know the last thing anyone wants to do on a weekend morning is to get up at 5 or 6a. But you will regret trying to make your run happen later in the day, especially when the temperature creeps up towards those triple digits.

Think about that you plan on wearing during your run. Nothing is worse then wearing something that rubs the wrong way or isn't breathable. I always wear sunscreen like Coola or Goop, hat, and sunglasses like Sunski {code: [marathonsandmatcha]. Bring some cash or a card in case you need to stop for more water or for that post-run treat.

Stretch It, Stretch It Real Good

Always remember to stretch before and after your workout. The heat may affect your muscles differently.

Keep It Light

Don't go in thinking you are going to have a new PR during your weekend race or training run. Take to easy and just focus on getting miles in.

Don't be upset if you need to take breaks or cut the run short. If you feel sick, dizzy, faint, or just not feeling it, stop the run. No one wants to experience heat exhaustion or worse, ending up in the hospital.

Don't get down on yourself if you don't hit your goal pace.

I'll be back from vacation and back into the studio on Monday so we can crush our runs on RippedPHL's awesome Woodway Treadmills. Peep my schedule here.

Aruba Run

Have more running questions? Leave them here and I'm happy to help!