Marathons + Matcha

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Life Lately | Summer 2018

Hey Friends!!No, I didn't forget about you!A lot has changed in the life behind Marathons + Matcha.Where to start...

Open New Doors:

The new studio that I am currently coaching at

The first major thing is that I switched some jobs up over the course of the summer.  I left the gym and the juice company I was working for back in June.  I made the decision to leave my current jobs in May and was fortunate to find a new opportunity right away.   And I couldn't be happier with this decision.I began to realize that working at a big box gym wasn't for me and started looking at a local boutique studio.  I now teach Bootcamps that integrate Interval Training utilizing dumbells + resistance bands mixed with Cardio on Treadmills.  And the funny thing is, the studio is across the street from my previous retail job.  Small world.  This space is filled with knowledgeable trainers and has a family vibe where the clients are the top priority.  Definitely more my scene!Working for the juice company did not turn out to be the job that I had expected it to be and I was beginning to feel that I needed to turn my focus to training.  It was a great learning experience and taught me the other side of working with brands and hosting events.Sometimes it's difficult to know when is the best time to make a change.  I knew I wasn't happy in my other positions and was just going through the motions.  That was the trigger point that I knew I needed to take the leap of faith and go after a new role.  Always moving forward!

Personal Training:

I have been continually taking on more and more personal training clients and really feeling comfortable assisting clients with different fitness levels and overcoming a variety of injuries.  It's been extremely rewarding in making new connections and helping clients feel better about themselves and get results.  And it's crazy that my clients even inspire myself to want to do better and learn more to better assist them.Would you be interested in more training tips or online coaching?  drop me a message :)

Marathon Training:

Running Views

I think the most exciting thing is that I decided to sign up for my second Philadelphia Marathon that will be in November.  After my Broad Street Run back in May, I haven't stopped thinking about my next race.  I felt healthy after that race and my mind kept going back to the marathon.  So in August, I bit the bullet and registered.  I wanted to ensure that I would have enough time to properly train so I made the cut off to make the decision by the end of July, allowing 14 weeks of training.  If I didn't stop thinking about it by then, then I knew I had to register.Training started off strong, balancing a mix of runs + lifting to keep everything strong + healthy.  (I've been really into Split Squats lately). But then the weather got wild with tons of humidity and rain, so my long runs were kinda put on the back burner.  But I was able to readjust my training plan and I will be able to build up to 22 miles with a 2-week taper.  I know I need to shift my focus on long runs to build up my endurance again and happily at 12 miles without pain.Interested in learning more about marathon training or need a plan for an upcoming race?  hit a girl up!

Living in the Moment:

Sunski Sunnies

I have really spent most of the summer living in the moment and trying to be more present.  I even stop posting on IG for weeks at a time.  Partially because I was busy and felt I was always sharing the same things.  Or I was doing boring things. LOL.  I didn't take any vacations and only got down the shore like twice.  But it was refreshing to be focused on the moment and not trying to share every little move.

Never Not Learning:

When I purchased my Personal Training Certification last year (can't believe it will be a year in October that I started this journey), I also purchased a Group Fitness Instructor Certification through AFAA and I have been studying to get ready for that exam.  I plan to take it in the next few weeks.  Wish me luck!Of course, I already have a list of additional certifications to look into next.  I didn't realize there are so many routes of fitness that you can literally never learn everything and almost need to be well-rounded since you never know what type of client you will get next.What do you think I should study next?  Nutrition?

Well, I guess that's what I have been up lately and I'm dedicating myself to not go for long spans of time without posting again.  Pinky Promise!  Want to see a specific topic?  let me know!  I want to share all my knowledge.Until next time,Hallie