Marathons + Matcha

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The Rundown - Week 8

OMG!  It's crunch time.  Like seriously though, where did the time go?!  It feels just like yesterday I was going on out on my first training run.Life has been totally crazy lately, in the best way possible. (soooo sorry for the super delay of this post)  I'm working every chance I get with personal clients on top of my Spin and Group classes.  I am having a blast but finding it hard to stay on top of everything!  I promise I will be playing catch up to get everything out since I have so much to share.

Monday:Oh, Monday, how I love you!  I love Mondays.  I love a fresh start to set the tone for the week.I started the day off meeting with one of my clients before heading to the gym for Spin and Training.  I took a Rest day after yesterday's 8-mile run but got in some extra stretching and foam rolling.

Tuesday:I don't work until the afternoon on Tuesdays so I was able to sleep in a little before a work meeting.  I took some time to get some class prep done before heading to the gym in my building's basement for my own workout.  I got in Double Daily Moves working arms and upper body, definitely an area of focus for me.

gym time

I'm really enjoying these training sessions and had my first session with a new client.

Wednesday:Wednesdays are my super long days and rest days.I met with a private client and then a full day of fun at the gym.  Tonight's Butts + Guts class was a blast!!

Thursday:Busy day running around the City!Started off with a personal client before heading to the gym for a 3.41-mile treadmill run.  I added on resistance/speed each quarter mile holding about 8:30 pace and felt comfortable.

treadmill run

Quick shower and change then off I go to a meeting and another night of training at the gym.  Before heading to bed, I got in some stretching and foam rolling, the best thing to relax before falling asleep.

Friday:Those DOMS, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, caught up with me!  My neck and upper back were so tight today and nothing was working.  I needed all the stretching and foam rolling today.  Even use the heating pad before bed.


Saturday:That heating pad did wonders!!  I felt so much better today and got in my usual Saturday classes and a personal client before heading home to enjoy the day.

Bridge Views

I was so nice out so I had to get a run in.  I went out with the intention of running 8 miles but I was feeling myself!

10 mile run

YAASSSS! 10.19-mile run!  My first double-digit run since the Love Run in 2017 and injury.  I took it nice + easy (9-minute miles) and everything felt amazing.  I totally got my confidence back and knew I would be just fine for this Broad Street that's like in 2 seconds.

Sunday:Sunday Funday!  I taught my Spin class before working an event for my other job.  Surprisingly I didn't feel as bad as I thought I would after the long run yesterday.

Hope you all had fun reading how this week went!  Stay tuned for the rest of my training!Do you have any running or race training questions?  Let me know, I would love to help and share my knowledge! :)See ya on the pavement,~Hallie