Marathons + Matcha

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The Rundown - Week 7

Hey Friends!Holy Hannah!  What a week!   And this week is turning out to be just as busy (based on how incredibly late this post is!).  I promise I'll get back into the swing of things!

Monday:New week, new goals!  I took a Rest Day after the past weekend's runs.I subbed in the morning for a STRONG session that was Chest + Tricep focused.  It was awesome and the clients left with their arms feeling like noodles.  I also met with a new private client that I will meet with 3 times a week!  Super excited about all of these exciting opportunities that keep arising!  The rest of the day was my usual classes of Spin and TEAM Conditioning.

Time to Stretch

When I got home, I needed some stretching and foam rolling before bed.  Feeling ready to take on the next day.

Tuesday:On Sunday, I sat down and planned out all my runs + workouts for the week with details on what to do + how many miles.  So I planned for 4-6 miles but couldn't muster up the energy again.  I think since yesterday was the first day of running out and I didn't plan properly.  I made note of what I ate the previous day and meal prepped and stretched.

Wednesday:Wednesday's are always my busiest days so I will always keep it as a Rest Day.I stretched in the morning and worked my first day with my new private client.  I got some walking in while traveling to both locations and in my Spin and Butts + Guts classes.

Thursday:Started the morning off meeting a private client and enjoyed the walk home.I planned for 6 - 8 miles but was able to get in 4.02 miles + stretched.  I wanted to make sure that I got in the stretching so I had to cut the run short.


Friday:Finally, Spring hit Philly!  I was determined to get a run in since it was so nice.I subbed/worked the morning and by the time I felt good to run, it was dark and didn't want to get murdered.  I'm not the biggest fan of the treadmill and wasn't feeling it since it was the first nice day.  Felt really bummed after seeing that everyone got a run in.I got in some foam rolling before bed.  I can say that I a have a deeper love for foam rolling and understand the importance.  I feel that it might even be more important than actually working out.

Saturday:Another gorgeous day!!  I taught my usual Double Trouble Spin and Full Body Toning.  I met a friend for brunch and it was lovely to spend time and be outside.  I did get a sunburned walking home.I planned to do 2-8, to make up for earlier in the week but got 4.19 miles.  It was a little hot later in the afternoon but still felt awesome.  I followed it up with a lot of stretching and foam rolling.

Bridge Views

Sunday:Today was a crazy busy day running between jobs.  I started the morning off with Spin then worked an event for Satya Juice, a local company that I am the brand ambassador for, at Core Power Yoga in Center City.  The studio was super cute and the members there enjoyed the juice.  After that, I met with a new client at the gym for a one-on-one session before heading home to meal prep after my groceries were delivered.  Thank goodness for Instacart!

Satya Juice

Finished the night off with more stretching and foam rolling.

Now looking back at the week, it was probably my worst training weeks.  I need to stop making excuses and get my booty out there!How was your week?Hope you all have the best week ever!See ya on the pavement,~Hallie