Marathons + Matcha

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The Rundown - Week 5

And just like that another week and month went by.  I can't believe I am already into a month of training for Broad Street.  I'm really getting into crunch time and need to get focused!Let's see how Week 5 went!


Ready to coach!

I started the day off with my Full Body Toning class before jumping in not ONE but TWO sessions during my observation at work.The first session was STRONG, which focuses on lifting and building up strength. Today's focus was Chest and Tri!  I worked my way up to a new PR (personal record) on my Flat Bench!  I love the change up with STRONG with the more focused lifts to build up that lean muscle mass.  I can't wait until I coach these sessions.The second session was TEAM, which focuses on High-Intensity Interval Training that really gets the heart rate up and burns some serious calories.  This was my first back to back experience and I'm glad I tried it since I have seen several clients do this.Later that night, I taught my first HIIT class at The Racquet Club of Philadelphia as a third-party sub instructor with my other job.  I was totally pumped to teach this class because the style is fun and two, I love that I can continue to grow as an instructor.  I knew the location would be optimal since it was just a short train ride away.  I had 2 attendees in class and they left feeling the burn!  I can't wait until I can sub again at that location.I took a running rest day after the morning's adventures and yesterday's run.  After all my classes were over, I NEEDED to get some extra stretching in!


REST DAY!I was feeling sore after yesterday.  But a good sore!I had a meeting in the morning before my evening Spin class and totally took advantage of the rest.



I had the usual morning routine of Full Body Toning followed by interning/observing until my Lunch Spin.I had every intention of getting a workout in after Spin but I took an accidental rest day again but for a good reason!  I was asked to coach my first TEAM session before my evening Butts + Guts class.  I was stoked to have the opportunity and delivered an awesome class, thanks to the help of my fellow trainers!  The interning and observations really paid off since I felt the session went without a hitch and the clients all left excited for the next session.I was all ready for a major burn for my Butts + Guts class however, no one showed up.  Luckily for me, I was able to leave early.  Hopefully, my regulars come back next week.


I started the morning off with my very first Personal Training client with the new company.  As part of this new position, I can sub different classes at locations around Philly as well as take one-on-one clients.  I wanted to ensure that I gave an excellent one-on-one experience so I wanted to provide an assessment style session to get a better understanding of the client's abilities as well as know what type of modalities her gym provided.  The hour-long session went smoothly and I was able to re-book with her for the following week.  I couldn't have been more thrilled!I didn't have much to do before my evening TEAM session and really wanted to get a workout in.  However, I was feeling super low energy and I listened to my body to just let it rest some more.  I took an afternoon nap and refueled my body with the hope of getting in a run.  I was only able to muster up enough energy for a little yoga, stretching, and foam rolling.


Late Night Treadmill Run

I taught my AM Butts + Guts class and Lunch Ride.  I ran some errands and prepped for the week after class.I was feeling some energy so I got in a late night 2-mile run on the treadmill.  I started the first mile off easy and I added on speed for each quarter mile during the second mile.  Felt awesome!


Busy morning with back to back Spin and Full Body Toning classes.It was a beautiful day in Philadelphia and I wanted to soak in the sun as long as I could.  I walked around the city while running errands.  I totally wanted to get a run in but time got away from me.  Really mad about it since it was so nice out!


4 Miles for Sunday Runday

I taught a fun and intense interval Sunday Funday Spin class.  Small group for Easter Sunday.Before heading out to spend time with family, I was able to sneak in a 4.17 mile run along my favorite route at Penn's Landing.  The weather was really nice and per usual, I was overdressed and sweating by mile 2.

Another week in the books!  This morning I planned out my week and wrote the exact mileage on each run that I wanted to hit.  These last few weeks I didn't plan mileage so I'm hoping since I made it more concrete that I will actually stick to it while balancing this new work schedule.Hope you all have a wonderful week and I can't wait to share how this week's runs go!See ya on the pavement,~HallieWanna catch up and see how my training has been going?  Check it out 




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