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Summer Recap | Life Lately

Hey friends!  Sorry I've been so MIA.  This summer has been flying by with exciting  changes.  How is it August already?!

Spin shoes

My biggest accomplishment was becoming a certified spinning® instructor.  I passed my exam and quickly started the auditioning process.  This week, I taught my first class.  I can't even begin to describe how amazing it felt leading a class.

Summertime means spending time with family and vacations.  In May, I went to Atlanta for the first time.  I got to spend time with my fiancé's family.  In June, we went back to Myrtle Beach.  Finally, no summer is complete without going down to the Jersey Shore.

New Clubs

But you must be thinking, what about your training runs and races?  I took a month off in May to heal some injuries.  Once I had no pain, I went on short runs while I was in Myrtle Beach in June.  I wasn't focused on pace or distance, just getting back in the groove.  The Rock N Roll half marathon is coming up in September but I'm still deciding if I'm racing.For my birthday, my fiancé bought me a set of golf clubs so I can learn to play.  I've been getting to the driving range as much as I can.  I totally have the bug.

This summer flew by however, I do have some plans for fun series of posts coming out soon.  Be on the look out for #MatchaMonday, Try It Tuesday, and more race stories.

What have you been up to this summer?