Marathons + Matcha

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5 Travel Tips!

Last week my fiancé Eric and I were in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for a little vacation to visit our friends.  

We were excited to get away since we haven't had a vacation since last February.  We also got lucky since we missed a snow storm back at home!But what's a fit chick to do when on vacation but wants to stay on point with training?     Here are some of my


if you are going on vacation and still get after your

fitness goals


Find local healthy eats and grocery stores.

Our friends live near a grocery store making it easy to grab whatever we're feeling and cook.   Since they have a little 16 month old, it's just easier for them.  Our friend is an amazing cook and never disappoints.  I love learning new recipes and always help so I can learn his techniques!


I researched health stores and knew I needed to check out

The Fresh Market

.  I even found brands and flavors that I haven't at home there.  There's another store that I didn't get out to called

Bay Naturals

that is on my list for next time.

Search for fitness studios or running trails near your hotel

I checked if they had Classpass™ or any of my favorite studios in Myrtle Beach.  Unfortunately they didn't, but was able to find gyms close by.  I wanted to get a few runs in since

Love Run

is around the corner and was excited to try new routes.


I also packed a few of my favorite workout gear in my carry-on: resistance bands, mini bands, jump rope, slider disks, my hydration pack.


Bring a loved one with you on your workout.

Plan a workout together and get in some bonding time.  Go on a long walk after dinner for dessert or shopping!  We love going to the driving range.  Since Eric loves golf and I'm still learning, this is a great bonding activity we do while on vacation or at home.

Pack some of your favorite healthy snacks.

It's hard to find healthy options at the airport and super expensive.  I packed a few protein powder packets, electrolyte tablets, energy gels and snack bars.  Also, these are good to have throughout the vacation.  Also, bring a refillable water bottle.


Remember rest is part of the program.

Don't beat yourself up if you can't get a workout everyday or if you have a few meals that may not correlate with your plan.  Have a cocktail, or two, have an awesome meal, or a treat.  

Life is about balance and enjoying it!

Hope these tips help you on your next trip!What are your favorite tips to stay on track while on vacation?