Second time down Broad Street
It was time to enter the lottery for Broad Street and I was relieved that I got in! I knew I had to do it again and beat last year's time. With having a few races under my belt, I knew it was possible. You can read about last year's race here (Where it all started. . . ) Plus I was following Tone It Up™ and was feeling invincable so I was super excited to see what I could do come race day. (You can read about that here How I found Tone It Up.)This year I brought my mom to expo to show her what it was all about. We got my bib and then it was time to carb up! After dinner, I set all my race items out and checked to ensure I had everything that I needed.
Bib check, belt with gels check, ready to crush that pavement CHECK!
[gallery ids="1106,1107" type="circle" columns="2"]I woke up the morning of Broad Street feeling awesome and knew it was going to be a beautiful race day. I get in my corral, two faster than last year, filled with anticipation. I was off before I knew it.I get to the 5 mile mark full of excitement knowing that I was on pace to beat last year's time. I told myself to stay steady and I will get that PR (personal record). With each step, I got closer and closer to hitting my record. Before long, I was at mile 9. The HOMESTRETCH!I was extra excited this year knowing my sister was going to be there. I get to the last half mile and I hear my mom and sister and turn just in time for a picture. I started my sprint to the finish and boom. Personal Record!
Until next time Broad Street!
Have you ever beaten one of your personal bests/records? I would love to hear your stories. :)