Marathons + Matcha

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Half Crazy



In September 2013, I ran my first half marathon, the Rock 'n' Roll™ Philly.  It was just a few months after my first distance race the Broad Street Run™ 10-miler that past May. You can read about that experience here Where it all started. .   The Rock 'n' Roll™ Philly looked like such a fun race with music along the course, supportive crowds and it being local, seemed like the perfect first half.As I’m getting settled in my corral, I begin doing my usual pre-race rituals. Before I knew it, the gun goes off and a way we go.  I started out too fast, probably from the nerves and crowds and adrenaline but I eventually settled into a nice comfortable pace. It was perfect running weather, not too hot and not too cold.We head down Ben Franklin Parkway heading into Center City onto Market Street. Tons of people were out cheering the runners on. We ran on Market Street until 4th Street then turned around and headed back passing the start/finish area up to Kelly Drive.  The race was flying by.  I was feeling good when I hit 10 miles and couldn't believe there was only a 5k (3.1 miles) left. It was go time and I had to finish strong.  With each final mile, I picked up the pace, getting one step closer to that finish line.  I was starting to get a weird feeling that my dad was there giving me that final push that I needed badly.  I knew I was making him proud that I was running a half marathon.I did it!  I just ran 13.1 miles!  I went in with the goal of finishing in 2 hours and did just that.  But I can say that after this race, I fell in love with this distance and I am half crazy.Have you done a half marathon?  I would love to hear about your race!  Please comment below :)